Signs of a Damaged Overhead Garage Door

Many factors could cause a garage door to function poorly. When it happens, it could cause stress and inconvenience. The garage door works as the primary entrance for some homeowners. Since the garage is where you store vehicles and tools, it is crucial to have easy access to it. Read More

High Lift Garage Door Conversions – Things to Know

When the garage ceiling is high but the garage door size is standard, you actually lose some space. And while this is just ceiling space, it might come handy especially if you consider getting a car lift. Or like to take advantage of the ceiling’s height to make the space feel airier. Read More

Garage Door Windows – Must Have or Must Not?

Garage doors and windows usually go hand in hand. Or, not. It depends on the homeowner’s aesthetics, the overall home architecture, the garage door style, the location and everything about it – the climate, possible security considerations, et cetera. Read More

Garage Door Damage – The Common Culprits

While some garage door wear is unavoidable, damage can (sometimes) be prevented. To know what causes garage door damage is to gain control and – at least, more often than not, have the power to do something about it before things get out of hand. This is something nobody wants, when it comes to garage doors. Read More